Our Desire
We are a caring church seeking to glorify God by becoming a church with ONE HEARTBEART across every generation in order to make disciples of Jesus locally and around the world.
Our Strategy to make a difference . . .
We live in a day of rapid advancement and growth. Over the last 150 years things have changed and more events have impacted the thinking systems and world views of generations than ever before. The church is faced with a great dilemma, one with utmost consequences.
Each week across our community, people gather in a room for worship with different values, preferences, and convictions. The last place these divisions should be seen is the church. We believe God has called us to not simple be a place where people from different generations, ethnicity, and backgrounds meet, but where we all come together with ONE HEARTBEAT to see Gods will accomplished in every life.
We consider each other brothers and sisters regardless of age, economics, or ethnicity. We strive to see each generation serve other generations through genuine love and care. We believe church should be the place where unity and togetherness should be experienced regardless of the divides around us in our society.
In 2017, God burdened my heart deeply concerning this issue. Since then, we have seen God move in such powerful ways to bridge gaps and generations stop complaining about each other and serving one another. Are we perfect? Have we arrived? No. However, we are not where we were and we still have a ways to go, but we believe there is a great difference in how God works when we all have ONE HEARTBEAT for Him.
Join us as we are . . .
Becoming a Church with ONE HEARTBEAT Across Every Generation
Serving Christ By Serving You,
Clyde Self
Our Plan . . .
We strive to GLORIFY GOD by genuinely CARING for individuals, intentionally CONNECTING people in real relationships, with Christ and others, providing opportunities for them to GROW in their life to live an active biblical life, and each person ENGAGING in serving others.

: About People
We truly care about people. No matter the joy or the hurt, the blessing or the difficulty, we extend the compassionate and loving hand of God to others.

: To Jesus & Each Other
We intentionally seek to connect people in relationship with Christ and the Worship of Christ. In addition, we strive to connect people with others which produces an environment where all people are loved and cared for.

: To Be More Like Jesus
We are committed to growth both as individuals and as a body of believers. We create opportunities for everyone to grow to live an actively Biblical life as Christ desires. We believe His word to be life-changing fountain and foundation.

: In Ministry
Every person is vital to the well being of our faith community. The church is at its best when each individual engages in some capacity to serve others. Each person is vital to the healthiness of a community of faith.We make the biggest impact in people’s lives and build God’s Kingdom by doing it together.

Our Beliefs:
What we believe is grounded in the uncompromising truth of God’s Word. We find within it directions for life, freedom, and hope. From a theological standpoint we adhere to the Baptist Faith and Message 2000 which we believe encapsulates our doctrine and expresses our common belief system.