Jun 26, 2022

Brian Carden – Graduates 2022
By: Brian Carden
To truly find God success, there are 4 pillars essential for every graduate, as well as, every person in everyday life. Join us as Pastor Brian defines for us biblically what those pillars are and how we implement them into our daily lives.
- Jun 26, 2022Brian Carden – Graduates 2022Jun 26, 2022Brian Carden – Graduates 2022By: Brian CardenSeries: STAND ALONETo truly find God success, there are 4 pillars essential for every graduate, as well as, every person in everyday life. Join us as Pastor Brian defines for us biblically what those pillars are and how we implement them into our daily lives.
- May 24, 2021The Four Pillars of LifeMay 24, 2021The Four Pillars of LifeBy: Brian CardenJames 1: 22-24Deuteronomy 6:4-9Graduation from High School is a major accomplishment and provides for a rather large change in the day to day routine, of a once then student. Join us today as we look at The Four Pillar of Life. As a student that is transitioning to adulthood this are great fundamentals to study and practice. As the Body of Christ these are a must if we are going to be supportive of the graduating generation."The Four Pillars of Life" from The Four Pillars of Life by Brian Carden. Released: 2021. Track 1.
- Nov 22, 2020But GodNov 22, 2020But GodBy: Brian CardenRomans 5:6-8Ephesians 2:4-5John 20:19-22In this life a lot can happen that will bring us to a point of exhaustion and depression. However, when God steps into the impossible everything can change! Join us today as we hear how God changes any situation.
"But God" from But God by Brian Cardin. Released: 2020. Track 1.