Jul 7, 2019
In a culture filled with tolerance and the erosion of the evangelical faith, what are believers to do? This is a relevant question for today but is the question Jude addressed over 2000 years ago. The small book of Jude shows the battle is not new and yet we know it still continues. Join us today as we peer into the writing of Jude as he delivers for us the need and heart for the faith we should have not for ourselves, but for the sake of others!
  • Jul 7, 2019Jude
    Jul 7, 2019
    In a culture filled with tolerance and the erosion of the evangelical faith, what are believers to do? This is a relevant question for today but is the question Jude addressed over 2000 years ago. The small book of Jude shows the battle is not new and yet we know it still continues. Join us today as we peer into the writing of Jude as he delivers for us the need and heart for the faith we should have not for ourselves, but for the sake of others!
  • Jun 23, 2019Imitate God
    Jun 23, 2019
    Imitate God
    "Imitate God" from Small Books Huge Truth by Clyde Self. Released: 2019. Track 3.
  • Jun 9, 2019Reflecting Character – Philemon
    Jun 9, 2019
    Reflecting Character – Philemon
    "Reflecting Character - Philemon" from Small Books Huge Truth by Clyde Self. Released: 2019. Track 1.
  • Jun 9, 2019Difficult Balance (Truth and Love)
    Jun 9, 2019
    Difficult Balance (Truth and Love)
    "Difficult Balance (Truth and Love)" from Small Books Huge Truth by Clyde Self. Released: 2019. Track 2.