Feb 7, 2021

More Like Jesus – Personal Attacks
By: Clyde Self
Series: more like Jesus
Mark 3: 20-35
Disagreeing is one thing, but when someone begins to attack you personally it really hurts. Waves of emotions rush in and out reactions are often less than Christ-like. Join us today as we step into the life of Jesus when He was called names and attacked personally - by His own family and influential leaders. If we are to respond more like Jesus when it happens to us, we need to know how Jesus responded.
"Personal Attacks" from More Like Jesus by Clyde Self. Released: 2021. Track 5.
- Feb 7, 2021More Like Jesus – Personal AttacksFeb 7, 2021More Like Jesus – Personal AttacksBy: Clyde SelfSeries: more like JesusMark 3: 20-35Disagreeing is one thing, but when someone begins to attack you personally it really hurts. Waves of emotions rush in and out reactions are often less than Christ-like. Join us today as we step into the life of Jesus when He was called names and attacked personally - by His own family and influential leaders. If we are to respond more like Jesus when it happens to us, we need to know how Jesus responded."Personal Attacks" from More Like Jesus by Clyde Self. Released: 2021. Track 5.
- Jan 24, 2021More Like Jesus – Opposition and DivisionJan 24, 2021More Like Jesus – Opposition and DivisionBy: Clyde SelfSeries: more like JesusMark 2:23-28Emotions run high and tempers flare in the divisions we experience around us. We see them on tv and hear about them in coffee shops and conversations. However, how did Jesus respond to such an environment? Join us today as we take a look into conflict leveled at Jesus and how He responded. If we are to be more like Jesus, we must know what Jesus did."Opposition and Division" from More Like Jesus by Clyde Self. Released: 2021. Track 4.
- Jan 17, 2021More Like Jesus – RighteousnessJan 17, 2021More Like Jesus – RighteousnessBy: Clyde SelfSeries: more like JesusMark 2:1-22What the world needs today are more people transformed by Christ and not just morally and righteous. Join us today as we peer into the life of Jesus and discover His focus was on people being made righteous from the inside out rather than people just being sinners. There is a difference. Discover the difference and it will change what you do!
- Jan 10, 2021More Like Jesus – FocusJan 10, 2021More Like Jesus – FocusBy: Clyde SelfSeries: more like JesusMark 1:29-45The world is filled with a lot of people trying to do good. Hurting, hungry, and sick people can be easily found and we should help, but what sets Jesus apart from any other person doing good? You can be like Buddha doing good, but being like Jesus is deeper than helping. Join us today as we discover what sets Jesus apart and what must be part of our life to be more like Jesus."Focus" from More Like Jesus by Clyde Self. Released: 2021. Track 2.
- Jan 3, 2021More Like Jesus – FoundationalJan 3, 2021More Like Jesus – FoundationalBy: Clyde SelfSeries: more like JesusMark 1:9-13In a world filled with division and hate, we sure could use more people acting like Jesus. However, acting like someone and being like someone is two different things. Join us today as we discover the foundational truths that will not only bring more Jesus into the world but more Jesus into our lives individually."Foundational" from More Like Jesus by Clyde Self. Released: 2021. Track 1.
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- Dec 13, 2020Christmas Joy in 2020?Dec 13, 2020Christmas Joy in 2020?By: Troy Mason1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18To say that 2020 has been a unique year would be an understatement. As we have been surrounded with so much trial and heartache is it possible to have Joy during Christmas? Join us today as we explore seeking joy not just at Christmas, but year round as well."Christmas Joy in 2020?" from Christmas Joy in 2020?| by Troy Mason. Released: 2020. Track 1.
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- Nov 29, 2020The Power of the Lords TableNov 29, 2020The Power of the Lords TableBy: Clyde Self1 Corinthians 10:16-17Often times, the Lord's Supper is attached to the end of a service or simply approached as an act of reverence. When we approach the Lord's Table with a flippant attitude we miss the power it offers for our everyday life. Join us today as we discover the importance, priority, and POWER of the Lord's Table.