Jesus summarized the commandments best when he described them all as being summed up in two things, love God and love people. Join us today as we lean into commandments 5-10 and see how our love for people reflects our love for God.
"Why the Ten Commandments (Part 2)" from DeLIVEred by Clyde Self. Released: 2020. Track 11.
- Sep 13, 2020DeLIVEred – Why the Ten Commandments (Part 2)Sep 13, 2020DeLIVEred – Why the Ten Commandments (Part 2)By: Clyde SelfSeries: DeLIVEredExodus 20:12-17
Jesus summarized the commandments best when he described them all as being summed up in two things, love God and love people. Join us today as we lean into commandments 5-10 and see how our love for people reflects our love for God.
"Why the Ten Commandments (Part 2)" from DeLIVEred by Clyde Self. Released: 2020. Track 11.
- Sep 6, 2020DeLIVEred – Why the Ten Commandments (Part 1)Sep 6, 2020DeLIVEred – Why the Ten Commandments (Part 1)By: Clyde SelfSeries: DeLIVEredExodus 20: 1-11Are the 10 commandments really needed today? Why were they even given? Join us today as we discover why we have them and what they reveal about us and God. Hope and not condemnation can be found within them."Why the Commandments" from DeLIVEred by Clyde Self. Released: 2020. Track 10.
- Aug 30, 2020DeLIVEred – Who is HeAug 30, 2020DeLIVEred – Who is HeBy: Clyde SelfSeries: DeLIVEredExodus 20:1-2Some believe the God of the Old Testament was simply to be feared. For those in the wilderness with Moses, their view of God was one of freight. However, join us today as we peer into the foundation of who God is that set the foundation for receiving the ten commandments. Our understanding of God can bring us blessings when we know who He is."Who is He" from DeLIVEred by Clyde Self. Released: 2020. Track 9.
- Aug 23, 2020DeLIVEred – Get ReadyAug 23, 2020DeLIVEred – Get ReadyBy: Clyde SelfSeries: DeLIVEredExodus 19:1-17Do you desire to experience God on a whole new level in your life? Do you need Him like never before? Join us today as we lean into the most critical principle in Scripture when it comes to truly experiencing God! Preparation is vital and what we do to prepare is key.
- Aug 16, 2020DeLIVEred – Divine AppointmentsAug 16, 2020DeLIVEred – Divine AppointmentsBy: Clyde SelfSeries: DeLIVEredExodus 18:1-27Sometimes, our plans are interrupted. We can find ourselves aggravated or frustrated. However, what if God's divine plan was for those moments to be life-transforming! Join us as we peer into an important moment when God uses one man to benefit a nation.https://www.bible.com/events/30880207"Divine Appointments" from DeLIVEred by Clyde Self. Released: 2020. Track 8.
- Aug 9, 2020DeLIVEred – The StandardAug 9, 2020DeLIVEred – The StandardBy: Clyde SelfSeries: DeLIVEredExodus 17:8-16Sometimes we go from one tough thing to another. We wonder if we will ever catch a break. How do we survive when things seem to be nonstop and difficult? How can we find victory in the midst of all the continual chaos? Join us as we peer into Scripture to find that the pathway to victory is based on the standard by which we are living under no matter the battle we are facing."The Standard" from DeLIVEred by Clyde Self. Released: 2020. Track 7.
- Aug 2, 2020DeLIVEred – Faith TestedAug 2, 2020DeLIVEred – Faith TestedBy: Clyde SelfSeries: DeLIVEredExodus 16:1-36
In a world where everything seems to be changing and missing all those things that make us comfortable, we can feel lost and confused. However, God blesses us every day with special gifts. Join us today as we discover how our faith is not made strong on what God does for us, but rather who he is.
"Faith Tested" from DeLIVEred by Clyde Self. Released: 2020. Track 6.
- Jul 26, 2020DeLIVEred – Bitter SweetnessJul 26, 2020DeLIVEred – Bitter SweetnessBy: Clyde SelfSeries: DeLIVEredExodus 15: 22-27In our current environment, it appears bitterness is on the rise. We see it most prominent in how people are speaking to and about each other. However, God's plan is for healing and hope. He desires our bitterness to be turned into sweetness. Join us today as we learn about the process and feast on God's Word to find the blessing we can all experience as bitterness is changed to sweetness."Bitter Sweetness" from DeLIVEred by Clyde Self. Released: 2020. Track 4.
- Jul 19, 2020DeLIVEred – Tight PlacesJul 19, 2020DeLIVEred – Tight PlacesBy: Clyde SelfSeries: DeLIVEredExodus 14: 10-31Overwhelmed and no way out. Have you been there? What do we do when we are at a place where we just cannot do it anymore? When all resources and abilities are gone, then what? Join us today as we find hope and encouragement from Scripture on who will fight for us in those situations!"Tight Places" from DeLIVEred by Clyde Self. Released: 2020. Track 3.
- Jul 12, 2020DeLIVEred – His Mighty HandJul 12, 2020DeLIVEred – His Mighty HandBy: Clyde SelfSeries: DeLIVEredExodus 13: 1-22Sometimes we struggle with where God has taken us. We try to figure out the reasons and feel like there is not escape. However, join us today as we peer into Exodus and see how God sends us in unexpected directions and never leaves us."His Mighty Hand" from deLIVEred by Clyde Self. Released: 2020. Track 2.